Elizabeth Evans

Elizabeth Evans
Assistant Professor of Biology
College of Arts and Sciences
Science Center 220G


D.V.M. College of Veterinary Medicine, Kansas State University
B.S. Biology, Kansas State University

Professional Licensures and Certifications 

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, State of Kansas - 1980


Elizabeth Evans, D.V.M., worked part-time as an animal care technician while earning a B.S. in biology and a D.V.M. (Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine) from Kansas State University. After graduation, she spent two years in clinical veterinary practice and then began training as a lab animal veterinarian while working at the Kansas City VA Medical Center.

Evans has worked in several local research facilities as a lab animal veterinarian or consultant, including 15 years at Midwest Research Institute (now MRIGlobal) as both the attending veterinarian and a study director. While at MRI, she became an adjunct professor at Maple Woods Community College in Kansas City, teaching the Laboratory Animal Science course for veterinary technicians. In 2001, she began teaching at Rockhurst University, and joined the full-time faculty in 2003. Her courses have included Animal Behavior, Freshmen in Science Seminar, General Biology I, Introduction to Research and Human Anatomy and Physiology. She is currently the pre-vet adviser on campus and a consulting attending veterinarian at Stowers Institute for Medical Research in Kansas City.